Is Social Media really necessary for my firm?

The average person connected to the internet spends more than 2 hours a day on social media and millenials are averaging more than 9 hours. What is also interesting is that these numbers are only rising!

Social media is integrated into everything we do – from school, to work, to entertainment, to making new connections and also to looking for products we need. It is where people are today! 

Which Social Media Channel Should I Use?

It is better to choose two or three channels and broadcast amazing content rather than spreading yourself thin over multiple media.
Before you freeze on your social media channel selection, it is essential to identify your social media goals. Is it brand awareness? Lead generation? Or do you want to sell a product online?
Also consider which social media channels your target audience uses? What social media channels are your competitors using?
These are just some of the insights that need to be drawn out before you dive into a successful digital campaign.

What kind of online presence does my business need?

To be relevant online today you need much more than just a website. Some of the things you should do are to have at least one active social media profile where you engage with customers, invest in SEO to appear in searches and manage your online reputation and respond to reviews and queries.

Today it is impossible to get found online without some paid media. So you need to make continuous investments in paid advertising and outreach. It is also essential you develop integrated touch points while talking to your customers. Your online (and offline) activities should be in sync. 

Why is there so much hype around digital marketing?

This isn’t hype, it is a reality and here to stay! As the Internet becomes entwined with everything we do, the importance of digital marketing is only increasing. One of the major reasons why digital marketing is taking over traditional marketing channels is because the internet allows you to interact with targeted audiences in real time. 

It’s no longer enough to have a website or run some un-focused ads campaign. If you don’t have an integrated digital marketing strategy in place you are losing out. Big time!